Funf Contributors
Behavio Team
- Nadav Aharony
- Cody Sumter
- Alan Gardner
Past Contributors
- Scott Greenwald (mobile visualizations)
- Max Little (feature extraction probes)
- Kai Kunze (back-end visualizations)
The Initial Funf Deployment
The Funf open source project grew out of the software originally developed for the "Friends and Family" Study conducted at the MIT Media Lab's Human Dynamics research group, headed by Professor Alex "Sandy" Pentland.
The Human Dynamics group aims to develop mathematical models to help us better understand how people and communities organize and operate, and how things like news, ideas, habits, and diseases propagate through a social network. In recent years they have conducted several Reality Mining studies, in which physical communities have been transformed into living laboratories, or "social observatories" for months at a time. In these studies, mobile phones have been been used as social and behavioral sensors for real world data collection. These studies bring a new computational power to social science by combining traditional experimental methods with the capability of data collection by electronic media.
The contributors to the Friends and Family field deployment software:
- Nadav Aharony
- Wei Pan
- Cody Sumter
- An Li
- Yanping Chen
- Jay Baxter
- Christopher Graves
- Connie Chan
- Stephen Zhang
- Professor Alex "Sandy" Pentland